Chapter Officers
L. Lamont Summersett – President –
John Stephenson – Vice President –
Marti Moore – Treasurer
Elvoyd Fisher – Secretary
Laurestine Porter – Chaplin/Secretary
Tina Whitaker – Social Committee Chairperson
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How NCCU South Floriday Began.
The genesis of the South Florida Chapter was the announcement and charting of the Orlando Area Chapter on June 12, 2004. Our foundering Alumnae James M. Crumpler had received an invitation to attend the charting during the winter of 2004 and was motivated to inquire interest of forming a chapter in South Florida by mailing the following letter to area alumni.
With follow-up telephone calls by Monte Crumpler and Laurestine Porter, enough alumni committed to come to the first meeting at the Kappa House in Fort Lauderdale on August 29, 2004. Attending the first meeting were: Amos Bonner (’59), Laurestine Porter (’63), Clifford Outlaw (’62). Ivan C. McCaskill (’57 deceased), Dr. Gwen Hankerson (’53), Marti Moore (’74), Annie R. Rawls (’58), James M Crumpler (’57) and Carmen Jackson. Out of the initial attendee, the core membership group evolved.
Chapter Meeting Information: